Sunday, March 17, 2013

Another jquery to angular link

Excellent Angular Tutorials

These "Year of Moo" articles should be part of the Docs... Required Reading, if only for the excellent explanation of how to avoid digest collision by using $scope.$$phase...

Filters & some Useful Links

I noticed a neat trick in the comments for $filter, pointing out a more intuitive way to use a filter in your code than the example syntax where you import '$filter' into your directive, and then use:

If you want to use a filter, you don't need to import the $filter service, just import the filter you want by appending 'filter' to the end of the filter you want. So if you have a filter called, "myAwesome", you would import "myAwesomeFilter"

Importing the date filter into your directive would look like this:
  .directive('myCurrentTime', function($timeout, dateFilter) {
and to use it inside of your directive you can now simply access the filter by name:
        element.text(dateFilter(new Date(), format))
See this fiddle for an example.


Also, check for updates before writing your own widget.
...and, it turns out there is a Google Group dedicated to AngularUI, with a Bootstrap-UI specific sub-Group.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stupid Angular Tricks

I expect there are probably a lot of widgets that are not clean enough to warrant the official Angular jsFiddle page, or
are too complex to be instructional, or
are to weird to be useful, and I thought they deserved a place.
In the spirit of learning, playing, and  David Letterman, let the Stupid Angular Tricks commence:

Brian Ford: Building Huge Angular Apps

$digest vs $apply

Use scope.$digest() on the directive's scope, which will only digest that specific scope, instead of $apply (which is global)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Services and factories, oh my...

The docs are clear about the syntactical difference between, services and factories, and they are similar in that they allow you to abstract javascript functions into discrete testable units. 

In this jsfiddle, a service and a factory are used to output 'hello world'...  So are there specific cases where one would choose one over the other?

It appears the Factory returns a service function, but the factory itself only runs only once. A service runs each time it's called. So if you have some heavy data that you need to load, you can do it in a factory, before you return your service, and you don't have the performance hit every time you use it...


Sunday, March 3, 2013


The controller should not contain any rendering information (DOM references or HTML fragments).